While superheroes are often pitted against one another, one hero will always triumph against any other. Every super hero could gang up against him and he would still end up the victor. This super hero, the one with the most powers, is also the most boring. Superman. Superman has the super speed of Flash, the strength of one million Hulks, the eye lasers of Cyclopse, and almost every other power that any super hero has been imbued with. While some would argue that he is faced with internal conflicts and emotional challenges, what super hero isn't? Spiderman has had family and friends held hostage, he has faced the struggle of fighting his best friend turned Hob Goblin. There are only so many ways a story can involve kryptonite and still be fresh and entertaining. The prosaic stories of Superman do little to amsuse me. They just took a guy and loaded him with every ability ever. If he needs to save a plane let's let him fly. He can also withstand extreme temperatures, hold his breathe forefver, and take bullets. Though he could best the hulk, silver surfer and the green lantern in a matter of seconds, his concept is mundane and unappealing.
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