There are many bands out there that
receive far too much praise. For some people it is a duty to listen to them because of what guitar magazines have said about their pivotal role in music history. The unfortunate part of this is that the people who listen to these bands often can't see that even though they like the music, their drummer isn't the best drummer, their guitar player isn't the best guitar player, and their bass player isn't the best bassist.
The criteria that reasons for my decisions is as follows.
1) Variety
2) Skill
3) Performance
Number 3
Number three isn't one band but rather a collection of bands. At least at my school, there has been a huge rise in popularity of metal. The idea that anything metal is good is widely accepted even though the majority of metal is awful with a few gems of bands. Some of the bands included in this collection are In Flames, Children of
Bodom, Misery Signals and
Gojira. Another idea is that you can make any song better by adding double bass to it.
Guttural and
screaming vocals also seem to be some of the only ways of achieving a listenable song. Another silly thing about metal is that it is really about being "metal." Artists will close off all means of developing a new sound or exploring the
boundaries of music and strive to be more metal than the last band. The more brutal your band, the more metal, thus the more awesome. Singing about the most disgusting murder scene or metal pride is crucial. Spelling your name phonetically couldn't hurt either. Another rising trend is to listen to local metal bands, this will make you smarter than the average music
observer as you've heard of bands that only a few hundred people know about. If the music is so poorly mixed and ear
bleedingly loud that
someone can't tell if your good, you're brutal enough.
Metal heads are really just silly. They run around to the music and punch each other rather than watching their bands, they think they are enlightened or just have the grapes to listen to music that is too harsh for a wimpy listener, but one day they will grow out of this trend... I hope. So due to being incredibly silly metal is number three on the list of the top three overrated pieces of music.
Number 2
AC DC has made seventeen studio albums which means somewhere around one hundred seventy songs. You would expect that in such a large amount of songs there would be at least some musical discovery and exploration but this is not the case. Of all the songs I've heard, and all the popular ones that make it as hit singles, there is no variety. All the songs have the chords A, G, and E (or perhaps a D also if they are feeling particularly adventurous,) with the only difference being the order in which they are played. Now, I have not heard every AC DC song so I can't say that each song is this way, but one hundred percent of the songs I have heard from them are this way. Another thing that bugs me about AC DC is that all the the titles seem to be about something explosive. TNT, Big Guns, Volts, Blow up your video, high voltage, love bomb, and the list goes on. Any songs that are named in such a manner have the title sang in the chorus in some annoying growly voice that does not sound like a sincere singing voice. Probably the main reason that AC DC is overrated is Angus Young. After all I have said about AC DC I do not care if anyone listens to them and enjoys them but to think that Angus Young is the greatest guitarist in the world is bull honky. I have been subjected to some AC DC live videos by some former fans of AC DC and I have seen Angus Young's "amazing solos." After soloing in the same key for thirty six years you'd think he would have some idea of what to do or devise something interesting to play but that is not the case. His solos consist of a lick or flashy trick played forty times over and then switching to some pull off arpeggios or maybe some pentatonic run and then changing it up with another short run played for another three minutes. There is nothing to surprise you with. Despite this, Angus has been rated the ninety fifth greatest guitarist on Rolling Stones Magazine. Now, even though I hate AC DC, Young's' choice to play like this is perfectly fine, I don't have to listen to it, but I do have to listen to AC DC fans running around saying that Angus is the worlds greatest guitarist and that it is a fact rather than opinion. So for simple songs and solos and an affinity for explosions, AC DC is number two on my list of the most overrated bands of all time.
Number 1
And now for the most overrated band of all time. Metallica. People say things like "Metallica has sold out, their first four or five albums were amazing but then they cut their hair." Hair has nothing to do with talent. When they cut their hair they were no longer metal looking enough and not trendy enough. Saying that one only likes Liking Metallica's first four albums is a common thing for people to say, but the truth is it was all rather horrible. Furthermore, lots of Metallica's first songs were written by Dave Mustaine of Megadeth who never made it on to a Metallica album because they kicked him out of the band, so early Metallica was hardly Metallica at all. The writing is terribly prosaic. The songs all consist of a chugging riff that sounds almost identical in every song. You could write a guitar line for a Metallica verse in less than ten seconds. I've heard the first four albums many times over and tell you that this is true. Kirk Hammet is similar to Angus Young in his creativity. I've heard people argue and claim that Kirk Hammet is more original than another guitarist, but that isn't possible. He uses the same tricks and runs in every song and while the solo might progress and change more than Young's, the lack of creativity is obvious in that every song has essentially the same solo. One thing that has shot Metallica's popularity through the roof is Cliff Burton's death. Death is great for a musicians career. Sure it is sad that Burton died, but this does not make him a better bass player than he was. I have not heard alot in the ways of new Metallica but I have heard St. Anger. "I'm madly in anger with you"? Come on.